Advanced NoSQL Quiz
This list of questions is designed for those who are familiar with noSQL and have experience working with code examples. You will be asked about:
- using SELECT statements to retrieve data from tables, filtering data with WHERE and BETWEEN clauses, and joining tables with INNER JOIN.
- what NoSQL is, its advantages over traditional SQL databases, types of NoSQL databases, sharding, and use cases.
- subqueries, joins, stored procedures, transactions, and normalization.
- creating tables, inserting and selecting data, and updating and deleting data in SQL.
- sharding, primary and secondary indexes, MapReduce, and search engines based on NoSQL technology.
- the CAP theorem, eventual consistency, types of NoSQL databases (key-value, document-oriented, and graph), and their advantages.
- column-family databases, denormalization, indexing, and time-series databases.
By the end of this quiz, you should have a solid understanding of noSQL and be able to write basic noSQL queries using code examples.
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Test your knowledge with this Intermediate level quiz on Mixed.
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